This build was recently completed and was built in the style of a Georgian style house. We were involved in the project from the very start and complete project managed all the trades involved.
Tom and his crew built my Georgian style house in Melbourn. The internal walls were block with a red brick face in Flemish bond, for which every other brick had to be chopped in half by hand.
I wanted to build as an authentic a Georgian reproduction house as possible, so it was welcomed that Tom and his team gave great attention to the correct mortar mix, and authentic joints, as well as coping with various decorative courses, a cant brick course, and fake bricked in windows, as well as laying stone window cills.
Tom and his crew also laid the foundations to make sure that they had a flat base on which to build.
The site had no permanent site foreman, so Tom and his crew managed their own work from plan. They were also a willing and helpful gang to have on site, always happy to help with deliveries, and other trades when on site, but whilst still focusing on their own tasks.